01685 873334 or 874000

A flexible and responsive service

A flexible and responsive service

Our care services are designed to be flexible enough to develop around your lifestyle and needs. The provision of care and support is service user led, offering choice and control, tailoring our service to individual preferences and wishes. Our support is individualised, responsive and flexible based on identified needs, delivered in an atmosphere that is free from discrimination.

All Service Users will be offered the opportunity to enhance their skills, confidence and self-esteem and we will develop relationships that are therapeutic, empowering and that avoid dependency. We are committed to Service User Led involvement and their participation in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as we strive to achieve a high quality service that meets the expectations of Service Users, relatives, partners and purchasers.

Castle Care acknowledge our duty of care and will balance this with the self-determination of individuals. We are open to suggestions and complaints from you, your family and anyone important in your life. Our staff are a motivated, competent and professional team, maintained through effective recruitment, training and management processes. We are always committed to working in partnership.